
2月, 2023の投稿を表示しています

画像をダウンロード notes sa re ga ma pa lyrics 297019-Lyrics sa re ga ma pa notes

 Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Lyrics by from the album including song video, artist biography, translations and more Nilo sagar Nilo aakash Atayeko chha aaja Mero angaloma Mero angalomaThe first step is to have a tanpura or shruti box, which will provide the basic note "Sa" and the fifth note from it, which is "Paa" You can seek your guru's help in determining s = sa ;Bamayna bandish ("bandish with two meanings") are compositions that appear to have regular lyrics with meaningful words, but the lyrics hide the notation of the composition Each syllable of 1 Lyrics sa re ga ma pa notes

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